In December 2010, the Minister for Transport took the precautionary measure to suspend the shipment of Heavy Precious Metals (HPM), which comprises 30-40 per cent lead sulphide, after an exceedance of the allowable lead level set as part of the Geraldton Port Authority's (GPA) licence conditions was detected at one of the port's monitoring stations. See below for more details on this event.
The Minister has subsequently lifted the suspension (announced 3 October 2011) to enable a trial shipment. This decision follows results of health testing and improvements to operations, infrastructure and monitoring.
» View the full write up on the Geraldton Port Authority website.
"During September, BC Iron introduced the use of a dust suppressing system comprising of chemical foam similar in consistency to shaving cream that is injected via the water spray nozzles located around the crushing plant. Early results from the use of the foam indicate reduced dust emissions from crusher to port. BC Iron’s innovative approach also means less water is required at the crusher and thus it promotes greater water efficiency and reduces the impact on local groundwater resources."
» Click here to view the report.
Foam dust suppressants are not new, having been used in the United States from the 1970’s. However, the technology has only recently begun to grow in popularity. In fact, an argument can be that made that foam has significant advantages over conventional methods in certain circumstances.
» View the full write up at the Australian Journal of Mining website.
An article written by ECS' Scott Langford has been published in the November 2010 Issue of Quarry Magazine.
Click the thumbnails below to see the article.
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Environmental Control Systems featured a full-page advertisement in the November 2010 issue of Quarry Magazine.
Click here to download a copy of the ad (806 KB)
For more general information on dust control in mining, please see the Handbook for Dust Control in Mining which comes out of the United States.
See the section on foam which states:
For dust control, foam works better than water. It provides dust reductions of 20% to 60% compared to water. Foam also can produce similar results at lower water use, that is, the amount of water needed to make the foam is less than the equivalent water spray."
Click here to contact us for more information about chemical dust control in WA, QLD, Victoria, Northern Territory, South Australia, New South Wales, Tasmania, New Zealand or Indonesia.